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Annual Report 2018

Check out our 2018 annual report and our plans for 2019

Community Based strategies

Community based strategies to address bottle necks that affect the supply chain for reproductive health/family planning commodities. This was a case study of Kapchorwa distirct. Click here to down load:Community Based Strategies -Final Report-Printed

family planning

Family Planning in Uganda

The information presented in this brief is from the ImpactNow model. It estimates health and economic benefits of reaching the ambitious modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR) goal and method mix goals compared to more modest mCPR growth (with mCPR increasing at the same rate as it has in recent years) and the method mix remaining constant from 2016. Click here to download ImpactNow – Family Planning in Uganda Brief  




Youth Empowerment Through Agriculture

Empowering youth to live healthy and productive lives through agriculture, provision of sexual & reproductive health information and life skills. click here to download



Assessment of TV programs aired on the rationale for Sexuality Education in Uganda

RHU is seeking the services of an experienced individual with a programmes and communications background to carry out an assessment of TV programs aired on the rationale for Sexuality Education in Uganda Terms of Reference (TOR) for assessment of TV programs aired on the rationale for Sexuality Education in Uganda

RHU Annual Report 2017

The Reproductive Health Uganda Annual Report 2017 highlights both the organisation’s programmatic and the audited financial report for the year ending December 31, 2017. Click here to download-  RHU Annual Report 2017

National Sexuality Education Framework 2018

The Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) has developed this National Framework on Sexuality Education through wide consultations with a cross section of stakeholders. This framework seeks to create an overarching national direction for providing young people with sexuality education in the formal education setting. The National Framework on Sexuality Education has been developed in line with existing national policies and commitments, Vision 2040, the Presidential Fast Track Initiative to End HIV as a Public Threat by 2030,the National Development Plan, the National HIV Strategic Plan and finally the Education Sector Strategic Plan

Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2016

The Uganda Demographic and Health provides the data needed to monitor and evaluate population, health, and nutrition programmes on a regular basis. This health Survey helps emphasize the above concepts

Factors Impacting use of health services by first-time/young partners

This report puts across that there is a clear need for interventions to connect pregnant and parenting adolescents and young people to health services, ensuring uptake of maternal and new born care (MNC) and antenatal care (ANC) services as well as continued use of family planning for healthy timing of a subsequent pregnancy.

Performance evaluation of the evidence project

To inform decisions about future programming, the USAID management team supported a performance evaluation through the Global Health Program Cycle Improvement Project (GH Pro). This report gives in depth insight on how the evidence project performed.