Advocacy Projects
Advance Family planning (AFP)
The AFP project aims to improve access to and use of family planning services, information, and supplies by increasing funding, decreasing policy barriers, and increasing the importance of family planning among policymakers at global, regional, national, and sub-national levels. The project is funded by John Hopkins University/ Bill Melinda Gates foundation and is running in 21 districts in Uganda.

Women’s’ Reproductive Health Advocacy Project (WRAP)
The WRAP project is a four year project being implemented in Luwero, Mityana and Kampala Districts. Building on the Regional Advocacy Project (RAP), WRAP is contributing towards strengthening of women’s capacity to demand for improved reproductive health services, particularly family planning in Luwero and Mityana districts. WRAP is funded by DANIDA.

Prevention+: Partnering with Men to End Gender Based Violence (GBV)
Prevention + project aims at achieving a gender just Uganda, free of gender-based violence. It focuses on engaging young men to prevent GBV and promote gender justice. The project addresses root causes of GBV embedded in patriarchal norms and harmful practices, affecting men, boys and sexual minorities. The project has two main priority areas; 1) reducing violence against women and 2) economic participation and self-reliance of women. It is funded by Dutch MOFA through Sonke Gender Justice (SA)

Integrating Population Dynamics SRHR and Climate Change Project
In this project we aim to link the aspects of population dynamics, reproductive health and rights and gender considerations and adaptation to climate change
This is a three year old project (2016-2018), funded by Danish Family Planning Association funders with its implementers as RHU and PHE Ethiopian Consortium in Ethiopia. This project is implemented and operating in Kampala and in two other districts which are Bududa and Kibaale.

SRHR as Part of the Private Sector Cooperate Social Responsibility
Popularly known as the Cooperate Social Responsibility, established to be able to provide workers in the Private Sector in both Kenya and Uganda with the SRHR services.
It targets women and youth working in the private sector mainly. The project is funded by the Danish Ministry of foreign Affairs through Danish Family Planning Association (DFPA) and Implemented by three partners, namely; Family Health Optics Kenya (FHOK), Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) and Danish Family Planning.

Rights Based Approach to Family Planning (RBA)
Under this, the implementer Support for International Family Planning Organisation 2 (SIFPO2) and the Ministry of Health aim to increase access to and use of high quality affordable family planning and other health products services globally. But the RBA depends on the recognition of the basic rights of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibility the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have information and the means to do so. The three districts focused on are Arua, Mbale and Kapchorwa. This project will be running until September 2017.