Call for Consultancy to Evaluate Digital Campaigns under Right Here Right Now 2 (RHRN2) Programme in Uganda


Evaluation of digital campaigns in RHRN2 Programme in Uganda

1.0 Introduction:

In recent years, social media has become a critical component of advocacy efforts for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), offering a powerful platform for raising awareness, mobilizing support, and promoting inclusive and equitable access to healthcare. As part of SRHR campaign in RHRN2 programme, in Uganda, we have leveraged various social media platforms to reach diverse audiences and amplify marginalized voices. However, to ensure the effectiveness and impact of our online efforts, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of our social media platforms / strategy.

This evaluation plan aims to assess the impact of online platforms/campaigns on the awareness and knowledge of SRHR among targeted people, identify areas for improvement, and provide actionable recommendations. Examining online campaigns which are implemented through social media platforms or TVs/Radio will help to refine our online programmes or strategy, enhance our advocacy efforts, and contribute to the advancement of SRHR for all individuals especially women in the reproductive age (15-49 years)

RHRN2 Programme

The Right Here Right Now 2 (RHRN2) partnership is created to allow young people in all their diversity to enjoy their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in gender-just societies. RHRN2 seeks to unleash the power of youth, to increase public support for young people’s SRHR to improve policies and laws and to strengthen civil society. Lobbying and advocacy is the main strategy of RHRN2 programme, supported by mutual capacity strengthening.

The RHRN2 programme focuses on issues and groups such as SRHR information and education and safe abortion, and advocate for the rights of marginalised groups such as girls, young women and key populations.

The RHRN2 consortium consists of the organisations Rutgers (lead), AMPF, ARROW, CHOICE, RHU, and RNW Media. The focus countries of the consortium are Bangladesh, Benin, Burundi, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco, Nepal, Tunisia and Uganda.

In Uganda, RHRN2 coalition partners are: RHU (lead consortium), Reach A Hand Uganda (RAHU), The Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Alliance Uganda, The Centre for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD), The Uganda Network of young people living with HIV (UNYPA), Rights Evidence Action (REACT) and Hope Mbale. All the partners globally are committed to RHRN2 theory of change and are joining forces to fulfil young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights.

All RHRN2 partners have embraced online platforms to improve provision SRHR information to young people and other stakeholders.

2.0 Objectives of the evaluation:

  • To assess the impact of online platforms/campaign on awareness/knowledge/attitudes/ behaviour towards SRHR
  • To identify areas for improvement for each type of online platform/campaign
  • To provide actionable recommendations for optimizing online SRHR campaigns / programmes

3.0 Evaluation questions

The following questions can be used to assess effectiveness of SRHR digital campaigns:

Number Sub-group Guiding evaluation Questions
1 Awareness & knowledge (i)  Did the campaign raise awareness or increase knowledge and understanding of SRHR issues among the target audience?

(ii) Was there a change in attitudes towards SRHR among the target audience?

2 Behaviour change (i)  Did the campaign influence behaviour change among the target audience (e.g seeking SRHR services, practicing safer sex)?

(ii) Was there an increase in demand for SRHR services or resources?

3 Community Engagement (i)  Did the campaign mobilize community members to take action or advocate for SRHR issues?

(ii) Were community leaders or influencers engaged and supportive of the campaign?

4 Partnership and collaboration (i)  Were partnerships formed with relevant organizations or stakeholders as a result of the campaign?

(ii) Did the campaign foster collaboration among SRHR advocates and organizations?


4.0 Scope of evaluation:

This evaluation will involve assessing impact of SRHR digital campaigns using online platforms (websites + Social media) and radio/TV. Specific campaigns will be selected for assessment. After selecting the campaign, the objective (s) of that campaign will be looked at e.g the objective of the campaign could have been to raise awareness or change behaviour of the target group or to increase condom use.

The evaluation will be conducted across 6 districts covered by RHRN2 programme (Kampala, Mbale, Kapchorwa, Kween, Kaseses and Kabarole), to assess benefits of online SRHR campaign among programme beneficiaries or stakeholders.

Therefore, the evaluation will involve looking at the following among others:

  • Select about 4 online campaigns, look at the objectives of the campaigns & assess impact.
  • Measure the campaigns impact on website traffic, blog engagement and conversation rates
  • Analyse online conversations about the campaigns (Social media listening), including mentions, sentiment, and trending topics
  • Conduct qualitative interviews about the campaigns content / quality and messaging to identify areas for improvement
  • Conduct a survey among target audience to assess the campaign’s impact and resonance.

5.0 Methodology:

The evaluation approach will include applying mixed methods of research (quantitative and qualitative methods) as well as review of documents. Quantitative indicator output data from websites, social media and radio/TV programmes will be assessed. A survey will be conducted among programme beneficiaries to assess benefits of online SRHR digital campaigns.

Conducting qualitative interviews will involve interviewing key resourceful persons (Programme persons, Advocacy & Communication officers), across RHRN2 coalition partners involved in organizing online SRHR digital campaigns. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) will be conducted among young people supporting the implementation of online SRHR digital campaigns.

Reviewing of documents may include looking at various project reports such as half year or annual reports for different years (2021, 2022, 2023).

6.0 Deliverables:

The evaluation team is expected to produce the following:

  • Inception report including methodologies and evaluation tools/questions
  • Relevant data
  • Draft evaluation report for review
  • A Presentation of evaluation findings to coalition partners and stakeholders of RHRN2 Programme
  • Final evaluation report in soft & hard copy

7.0 Timing of evaluation consultancy

The evaluation should be completed by 15th October   2024. The total number of days for the evaluation exercise are estimated to be 60  working days starting from  24th July 2024. The following is the proposed schedule of tasks:


Serial Task Timing
1 Submit inception report 4th week July 2024
2 Meet with RHU/RHRN2 partners to review inception report 1st week Aug 2024
3 Collect data for the evaluation/ interviews 2nd  week Aug – 4th  week Aug
4 Submit draft evaluation report 2nd week Sept 2024
5 Attend to feedback comments 4th week Sept 2024
5 Submit Final evaluation report 2nd week Oct 2024


8.0 Qualifications & Experience of Consultant:

  • At-least a master’s degree or above in a relevant discipline (Communication, Marketing, Social sciences. Reproductive health, Demography, M&E, etc)
  • Experience in assessing online (website + social media) digital SRHR campaigns
  • Experience in social media analysis including reporting on quantitative and qualitative analytics.
  • Excellent skills in conducting mixed methods research studies

9.0 Liaison of consultant:

The consultant will liaise with RHRN2 National Programme Coordinator (Mr. Sam Mwandara) and RHU M&E Manager (Mr. Lawrence Muhangi).

  1. Application Process

Interested persons should submit their technical and financial proposals to RHU Executive Director (ED) at and cc to Annet Kyarimpa (Director of Programmes) at or hand deliver in person to RHU head office, plot 2, Katego Road, Kamwokya by close of business on Friday,  12th July, 2024 before 5:00pm.

RHU will contact persons with whom further discussion is sought.