Youth and Adolescents

Strengthening Adolescent Services (SAS)
Donor/ Development Partner: IPPF
Power to You(th) is a five (5) year programme (2021-2025) implemented in seven countries; Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Senegal, and Uganda. The overall strategic programme objective is to contribute to more adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) from underserved communities to be meaningfully be involved in all decision-making regarding harmful practices, sexual and gender-based violence and unintended pregnancies.

Strengthening Adolescent Services (SAS)
Donor/ Development Partner: IPPF
To Increase young people’s knowledge on SRH to enhance their capacity to make healthy sexual choices.
Young people comprise of the greater population in Uganda with 78% below 30 years (SURE report 2012). This population is still challenged with the vast sexual and reproductive health problems such as teenage pregnancies at 25% (POPSEC 2013). This one-year project aims to increase knowledge of young people, especially women, in sexual and reproductive health as well as build their skills to make informed SRHR choices. The project will target to build capacities of young people within the YAM structure to organise, conduct integrated sports/SRH/HIV outreach as key means of reaching vulnerable young people within 7 RHU clinics.
Arua, Mbarara, Hoima, Apac, Kampala, Mityana, Kapchorwa

Youth Empowerment Through Agriculture (YETA)
Youth in Northern Uganda develop sustainable commercial enterprises
The YETA project model was developed taking into account a context of challenges from which Northern Uganda is emerging after 23 years of conflict. Northern Uganda remains the “poorest region in the country with the lowest rates of education, the worst access to schools, the lowest rates of wage employment, and one of the lowest rates of skills training.” Many youth were raised in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps, lacking access to education, employment opportunities, or the structure of a community which imparts critical life skills. This project targets to integrate Agricultural skills and value chain processing with Foundation skills including Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Numeracy.

Accelerating Change-Unlocking Sexuality Education in Uganda (ACCUSE)
Donor/ Development Partner: Amplify Change
To improve the SRHR of young People (10-24) by increasing Young people’s uptake of SRH services.
A more supportive policy environment for the realization of sexual and reproductive rights for young people. Project seeks to leverage on existing partnerships and synergies as well as mobilize and build a new coalition to advocate for the implementation of a comprehensive sexuality Education programme within the school Environment. It will advocate for the formation of a national policy on sexuality education and a quick review and adaption of the National Sexuality Education guidelines.
Kampala district, Uganda

Get Up, Speak Out (GUSO)
To improve the SRHR of young People (10-24) by increasing Young people’s uptake of SRH services.
The project builds upon the best practices and current interventions of the implementing partners, including the SRHR Alliance -UFBR programme, aiming to overcome the barriers to access sexual and reproductive health services that young people face as a result of: lack of quality services; lack of a sense of empowerment and knowledge; and social stigma and discrimination. RHU will use the 6 month programme to lay ground for the new Get Up Speak Out Intervention (GUSO) that will continue with the key components of the theory of change previously used by the ASK/UFBR interventions. The project will be implemented in Bugiri and Iganga districts of Uganda.
Bugiri and Iganga districts

Youth Encourage Project (YEP) 2
Donor/ Development Partner: WPF/Rutgers – Netherlands Government
To improve the SRHR of young People (10-24) by increasing Young people’s uptake of SRH services.
Uganda has one of the world’s youngest populations, but SHR service appropriateness and uptake among Ugandan youth are very low. The Youth Encourage Project aims to study the effect of using referral cards on the uptake of SRHR services by young people while simultaneously strengthening the link between SRHR education and services.

Increasing access to adolescent-friendly SRHR education and services project. (Youth Empowered and Supported(YES) project)
Donor/ Development Partner: DFPA
To contribute to increased access to Youth Friendly SRHR Education and Services in Uganda.
YES project aims at increasing Access to Adolescent Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights Education and Services at both public and private health facilities in Hoima District targeting Youth in Vocational schools and out of school in the community. The project works closely with District Health/Education Team, Health Workers/Nurses in vocational schools, Private and Public Health facilities to provide Youth Friendly Services, within the target district.

U Decide Project
Donor/ Development Partner: Rutgers
To increase and strengthen the link between SRHR education (demand creation), SRH service provision for young people (supply) and SRH services utilization by underserved young people in 2 sub counties of Rugando and Bugamba in Mbarara district
U DECIDE is a 2 year SRHR innovative project in Mbarara in the Sub-counties of Rugando and Bugamba sub counties by Reproductive Health Uganda and Reach A Hand Uganda in partnership with Rutgers.

She Decides Project
Donor/ Development Partner: Belgium Government
Seeks to strengthen the SRHR service delivery systems within seven (7) RHU branches namely, Mbale, Mbarara, Kabale, Fort Portal, Hoima, Bushenyi and Mityana creating and strengthening partnerships with youth led-networks/movements to champion increased access to priority SRHR information and services among peers while also advocating for an enabling environment for youth SRHR.
She Decides Project contributes to improved sexual and reproductive health and rights of poor,socially-excluded and/or underserved people, especially women, girls and youth in Uganda.
The project targets communities in the 7 RHU branches plus the respective selected private franchise clinics and the five selected Universities in Uganda namely Makerere, Kyambogo, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), Busitema University and Kampala International University (KIU).