Featured Stories
Miss Tourism Tooro applauds RHU

“Having access to sexual reproductive health services decreases child marriage, unintended pregnancies and prevents transmission of sexually transmitted infections. It is a topic that affects so many different realms of young people’s lives and I am glad that Reproductive Health Uganda has come up with interventions that are targeting young people in my community.” Kahunde… Read more “Miss Tourism Tooro applauds RHU”
I had a vasectomy and I am doing just fine

Reproductive Health Uganda recently had a brief chat with the Resident District Commissioner (RDC) of Koboko District, Yahaya Kakooza, about his decision to have a vasectomy. This is what he had to say:

Her radiance is hard to miss. Bubbly and so full of life, a young tailor with dreams the size of a truck. Her dress, a warm blue in color, is tailored to a fault! She knows it and is not shy about it. “I made this myself,” she will tell whoever cares to listen and… Read more “I WISH I HAD KNOWN MORE ABOUT CONTRACEPTIVES”
Joyce’s story – empowering disabled clients with services in rural communities

Joyce Auma, 25, is a business administration graduate currently working as a data clerk with Gulu Women with Disabilities Union. The union has partnered with Reproductive Health Uganda to extend sexual and reproductive health neighbouring districts in Acholi. Joyce, who lost the use of her legs in childhood, is one of the women with disabilities that normally receive… Read more “Joyce’s story – empowering disabled clients with services in rural communities”
Championing the fight against cervical cancer

When we arrive at Rebecca Asiimwe’s shop in the outskirts of Fort portal town, she welcomed us with a beaming smile; one could not tell what the HIV positive, widowed mother of two boys had gone through to afford such happiness. Rebecca survived cervical cancer due to early detection and treatment. “I used to feel… Read more “Championing the fight against cervical cancer”
Family planning for the mother of six, struggling with sickle cell

Lillian Lamunu and her husband are both out of work and are struggling to look after their six children who all have Sickle Cell Disease. Lillian is worried that if she doesn’t do something soon she might end up having another baby. She spoke to one of RHU’s clinicians who told her that they saw… Read more “Family planning for the mother of six, struggling with sickle cell”
Consequences of lack of sexuality education
I am Ngobi Asuman, from Bulubandi central B, Nakigo sub-county, aged 22. I was in primary seven when I got a girlfriend; and she was in Primary six. We loved each other and one day we had sex. After one month she told me that she had missed her periods and her mother had started… Read more “Consequences of lack of sexuality education”
I survived cervical cancer

I only heard of cervical cancer during radio programs but I didn’t think I would personally experience it… shares Stella Kansiime, a 21 year old mother of one living in Nyamitoma, Kabarole district. Stella had a history of severe headaches and on one such occasion there happened to be an outreach organized by Reproductive Health… Read more “I survived cervical cancer”
Boys champion campaign against teenage pregnancy

It is not uncommon in Uganda for girls get pregnant at a very tender age and often times their male counterparts are out of the picture. Actually, in most cases, it is very hard getting teenage boys in the discussion about such a topic because they are not the ones who get pregnant. They feel… Read more “Boys champion campaign against teenage pregnancy”
Sexuality education; the missing link
Everything was going well for me but I was very ignorant about issues related to sex. At times when I inquired from my friends, they gave me wrong advise because they also lacked the right information. I got different views such as family planning (contraceptives) is for adults and married people; one told me that… Read more “Sexuality education; the missing link”
Taking services closer to the people who need them
I am Nancy Akello, a resident of Nambieso sub-country in Apac district. I sell fish for a living and have been living with HIV/AIDs for the last five years. I want to sincerely thank RHU for bringing cervical cancer screening and family planning services to our community. Since we live in remote areas, we have… Read more “Taking services closer to the people who need them”
I do not want to take chances again

“Iam a resident of Lyriang village in Pajwenda sub county, Tororo district. I have two children. One is three years old. The other is one and a half months old. I was about 17 years when I got my first pregnancy. I was in Primary Seven at Oguti Primary School. I did not know anything… Read more “I do not want to take chances again”
John Okitwi

My daughter and I now freely discuss sexuality issues.John Okitwi is one parent whose story does not only reflect how much impact RHU had in community but how empowered, once sensitized, young people can become
Nancy Akello

I am Nancy Akello, a resident of Nambieso sub-country in Apac district. I sell fish for a living and have been living with HIV/AIDs for the last five years. I want to sincerely thank RHU for bringing cervical cancer screening and family planning services to our community.