Service Delivery

Integrated Facility, Outreach and Community Reproductive Health Services (FOCUS PROJECT)
January 2018 – December 2018
Donor/ Development Partner: IPPF
Deliver rights-based services including for safe abortion and HIV
Project summary: The main focus of this project is to help provide and promote the linking and integration of sexual and reproductive health and RHU policies, programmes and services, and to offer value added services such as long term and permanent methods of contraception, etc.

Breaking the Barriers to Access to SRH services (BBA) Bergstrom Project
July 2017 – June 2020
Donor/ Development Partner: Bergstrom Foundation
To contribute to improved SRHR of women, men, and girls in Eastern Uganda by increasing access to contraception and other SRH services
Summarize in maximum five lines the entire project.
BBA project is a 3year (2017 to 2020) project funded by Bergstrom Foundation. The project will be implemented in Tororo district to provide integrated SRHR services with a greater emphasis on the long and permanent methods of FP. This model brings services to populations with limited access through service provider capacity building, facility equipment, community linkage by VHTs, engagement of stakeholders and management of data quality.

Accelerating Change-Unlocking Sexuality Education in Uganda (ACCUSE) – July 2017 – June 2019
Donor/ Development Partner: Amplify Change
To improve the SRHR of young People (10-24) by increasing Young people’s uptake of SRH services.
A more supportive policy environment for the realization of sexual and reproductive rights for young people. Project seeks to leverage on existing partnerships and synergies as well as mobilize and build a new coalition to advocate for the implementation of a comprehensive sexuality Education programme within the school Environment. It will advocate for the formation of a national policy on sexuality education and a quick review and adaption of the National Sexuality Education guidelines.
Kampala district, Uganda

Increased National and District local governments capacity to increase demand for and supplies of modern contraceptives (8th GOU/UNFPA country programme) January 2018 – December 2018
Donor/ Development Partner: UNFPA/GOU
Deliver rights-based services including for safe abortion and HIV
RHU will contribute towards the 8th country programme, Programme sub-outputs National and District local governments have capacity to increase demand for and supplies of modern contraceptives
Kanungu, Yumbe, Kaabong, Kotido, Moroto, Katakwi Gulu, Napak ,Nakapiripirit Amudat,Kitgum,Lamwo,Amuru,Amuria,Kaberamaido,Kween,Moyo,Adjuman, Kiryandongo,Bundibugyo,Bukedea,Ngora,Abim ,Kibuku , Bududa and Apac

Gestation Diabetes in Central Uganda (GICU) February.1st.2016 May.31.2018
Donor/ Development Partner: DFPA
To prevent and reduce the negative impacts of gestational diabetes in Central Uganda
GICU project is a 2year project implemented by ANC Service providers at RHU clinic and public facilities IN Luwero district. The project is funded by Danish Family Planning Association (DFPA), aimed at improving management of gestational diabetes (GDM) through increasing awareness about the short- and long term health risks of GDM, screening pregnant women for GDM and engagement of key stakeholders in central Uganda.
The project is implemented in RHU Luwero branch, Mengo hospital, 22 public facilities in Luwero district.

Global Comprehensive Abortion Care Initiative –GCACI / IPPF Feb 2016 – Dec 2018
Donor/ Development Partner:IPPF
Improved access to comprehensive abortion care and contraceptive services as integral components of sexual and reproductive health through the participating IPPF Member Associations by the end of 2018
Global Comprehensive Abortion Care Initiative (GCACI) aims to increase access to comprehensive abortion care as well as contraceptive services particularly to the poor, marginalized, under-served and most-at-risk women. Specifically, the project will focus on Increased awareness on effects of unsafe abortion, increased access to treatment for incomplete abortion services, increased uptake of post-abortion contraception and increased access to family planning services.

Strengthening Quality of Care for Sexual and Reproductive Health Services through Public Private Partnerships in Uganda (JTF Project) May 2018 – April 2020
Donor/ Development Partners: Government of Japan ,IPPF, Saraya Co. Ltd,Saraya Manufacturing Uganda (SMU),JOICFP
JTF Project goal is to contribute to the national goal of ensuring all people have access to quality health care services by 2020. JTF project aims to improve the SRH outcomes of the people of Uganda by improving the Quality Of Care at service delivery points and increasing their uptake of services.
Target Districts: Luwero, Lira, Apac, Gulu, Kabale,Mbarara, Kabarole, Mityana,Bushenyi,Hoima, Arua,Mbale,Kapchorwa,Tororo, Iganga and Kampala
Target facilities:18 RHU clinics,16 public health facilities and 22 private health facilities