Communication for Advocacy (CAP)
About the Project:
Communication for Advocacy Project (CAP), is a project run under the advocacy and communications unit, and is implemented at all Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) branches. The project, which draws its focus on mainly media and communications engagement, aims at increasing awareness, importance, understanding- and improving access to and use of- sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services, information, and supplies by increasing funds, increasing services/commodities uptake among policymakers and consumers.

Stand Strong Together (SST)

About the Project:
Standing Strong Together (SST), is an Amplify Change project that is being implemented in four countries including Indonesia, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. In Uganda, the project is executed by Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU), in partnership with Reach a Hand Uganda (RAHU). SST was started in order to address basically two overarching issues- the increasing capability of the opposition to speak out, influence policy makers, but also the wider public like parents and the media; and limited linking and learning within regions, for example with other Amplify Change grantees or with other Right Here Right Now (RHRN) platforms.
Youth Led COVID 19 Response (YCR)
About the Project:
Youth Led COVID-19 Response (YCR) is 6 months project (running from April- October 2020) designed to complement interventions that are being implemented by Ministry of Health and partners. The project seeks to integrate access to SRHR services in the COVID 19 response as well as raise awareness about prevention of transmission among the vulnerable groups of people in emergency settlements and rural areas. The project’s implementations are implemented in line with the Presidential guidelines on COVID 19 response which are provided for in the Public Health Act (1935) with focus on Public Health Emergencies.

Advance Family Planning (AFP)

About the Project:
Advance Family Planning (AFP) is an advocacy initiative that aims to increase the financial investment and political commitment needed to ensure access to quality, voluntary family planning to achieve the global goal of expanding access to quality contraceptive information, services and supplies.
The AFP SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound) advocacy approach aims to transform the way family planning champions maximize their time and funds to effectively persuade those in power to take action.
Right Here Right Now (RHRN)
About the Project:
Right Here Right Now Uganda is a 5 year strategic partnership of 14 civil society organizations dedicated to creating a favourable environment for the Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights of all young people in Uganda.
With an overall goal to promote key values including but not limited to; Transparency and Accountability, inclusivity and non-discrimination, Integrity, Meaningful Youth Participation, and Rights-based approach to information and services for the beneficiaries.

Strengthening Education and Training in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights in Uganda (SET- SRHR)

About the Project:
The Strengthening Education and Training in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights in Uganda (SET- SRHR) is a four year project implemented under the umbrella of ‘Utafiti na Kuntenda’ – a Swahili phrase meaning ‘Research-Community of Practice (CoP)’. SET- SRHR is a project partly implemented by Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) in partnership with Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) and Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development (NTISD), and also in collaboration with the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University and Rutgers International in the Netherlands.
Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Umbrella Programme
About the Project:
The SRHR Umbrella Grant exists because more Ugandan people should be able to enjoy their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Everyone has the right to sexual and reproductive health. But not everyone realises they have this right. We know that local organisations that are based in the community are often best placed to reach marginalised populations who do not realise their rights.
That’s why our SRHR Umbrella Grant in Uganda focuses on supporting non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and community-based organisations (CBOs) to deliver quality services, rather than trying to make change from the top.

Hewlett Initiative

About the Project:
The project is designed to strengthen the responsiveness and accountability of local government officials to citizens and ultimately to improve the quality of local public services like education and health care. Project started on 1st January 2019 in Kampala due to the resource mobilization available.
Emergency Covid-19 WASH Response
About the Project:
Poor WASH and IPC lead to health acquired infections, transmission of diseases from health facilities to communities and increased use of antibiotics and exacerbate outbreak and spread of infections- in this case- COVID- 19. On the contrary, effective IPC reduces hospital-acquired infections by at least 30% (WHO 2016). Therefore the Emergency COVID-19 wash response is set to enforce the project between April-July 2020 in all public gathering areas.

Programme to improve Sexual Reproductive Health Rights policy and services environment in Uganda (PROMISE)

About the Project:
Uganda has been a fast growing economy for the past three decades, with an increasingly large middle-class . Uganda’s formal private sector is growing. The growth in the formal sector is marked by a number of challenges – including the lack of well-organised and strong unions. Workers’ rights are therefore far from being fulfilled. Reports show that up to 90% of women experience sexual harassment in the workplace, and there is a lack of protection against sexual offences and compensation and justice for victims. Discrimination in employment based on race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin, HIV status or disability.